点击关注菲华网 带你认识一个真实的菲律宾 各旅行社请注意: 请各旅行社提醒贵社客户仔细完整地阅读签证部的公告,并停止建议贵社客户致电领馆咨询签证相关问题。领馆仅回答个人签证申请者的咨询。谢谢! Advisory from the Visa Section: 签证部公告: Good morning. Please be advised that effective immediately, the Philippine Consulate General in Guangzhou have resumed visa issuance to the following: 上午好!请注意,自即日起,菲律宾驻广州总领事馆恢复向以下人士签发签证: 1. Foreign spouses or children of Filipinos; and, 菲籍公民的外籍配偶或子女;及, 2. Government officials and their dependents eligible for 9e visas. 符合9e签证条件的政府官员及其家属。 Please be advised further that once allowed entry to the Philippines, the above-mentioned will be subject to a mandatory 14-day quarantine. 请注意,上述人员一旦获准进入菲律宾,将接受为期14天的强制隔离。 For applicants who are foreign spouses or children of Filipinos, the following documents must be submitted aside from the usual requirements: 除了正常的签证申请要求外,菲籍公民的外籍配偶或子女还须提交以下文件: 1. Marriage contract; 结婚证; 2. Birth Certificate; 出生证; 3. Copy of the passport biopage of the Filipino; and, 相关菲籍公民的护照信息页复印件;及, 4. Household registration. 户口本。 All above-mentioned must have English translations. 上述文件必须附带英文翻译。 Thank you. 谢谢! 菲华网©PhHua.Com 【菲华网】是菲律宾最丰富、最可靠、最迅速的华人网站。菲华网立足菲律宾,面向世界,向全世界中国人和华侨、华人、华裔,全面提供菲律宾华人社会动态信息。 联系我们 【微信】FHWCSD【QQ】 804643 【纸飞机】 https://t.me/feihuaph 【官网】https://bbs.phhua.com/ 长按下方二维码关注公众号 免责声明:本文仅代表网友观点,与菲华网无关! 如若侵权,请联系我们! |