持有过期居留签证者必须在出发时间前四小时携带护照和机票抵达机场,且日期必须在12月31日之前(which must be dated before December 31)。
那些以他们签证名义担保的人,也需要由他们一道陪同(Those who have dependents sponsored under their visa must be accompanied by them.)。
商业伙伴或投资者类别的过期居留签证持有人,将清算或放弃他们在公司的法律身份(Expired residence visa holders in the business partner or investor category will have to either liquidate or give up their legal capacity in the company while using the amnesty)。
对于经迪拜国际机场和阿勒马克图姆国际机场离境者,乘客必须提前48小时向迪拜民航安全中心报告(the passenger will have to report to the Dubai Civil Aviation Security Centre 48 hours prior to departure time)。